Thursday, 22 November 2012

Penultimate day.  Last minute Shopping and sightseeing on the agenda.
My cold remedy from the hippy Aussie did not last long so brought some cold relief tables at a local pharmacy, which seem to be working.

Took a walk in a different direction this morning along a canal through a shanty town.  Not the tourist route but got back into taking interesting photos of life in this area.  It is depressing to see the back-water way of life, and although everyone still smiles politely, I do wonder what they think of us wondering around with expensive cameras taking pictures.
It is the groups of teenage boys that gather on street corners who stare the longest. Is it envy and jealously that linger behind those sullen eyes?

Eleven thirty. . . Is it too early for tea and cheesecake? Silly question. The Teapot is nearly full today but find a table upstairs. Near me are a group of five girls and one guy from Sweden.  One of the girls also had cold symptoms so I asked if she would like a couple of my tablets. Never used that line before, but it works.  I had to ask the obvious question . . .why was this guy going around with five ladies?  Yes, he had been asked many times, but it turns out one is his girlfriend and she asked the others to come with them. Sounds plausible.

The humidity must be of the scale today. Very difficult to stay dry and head back for another shower and change of clothes.  In the cool of the room I wrote some more and had a siesta.

One last chance to get a good sunset photo. Took the five o'clock ferry to Vypeen  Island again as told the sunset views are better there. It was not disappointing to start with and got some good shots, but there was some low cloud, and the sun disappeared from view before touching the horizon.

Not sure if I will be sending another blog tomorrow, but will depend on what I do on the last day.  I don't leave the hotel until midnight so have plenty of time to pack etc. Must remember to collect my new glasses as well.

Also promised myself one last good meal. I have seen several 'good quality' restaurants nearby, and a couple of Italian girls staying here recommended a good Italian restaurant.

This week with Gini and George, has been different, which is what I intended it to be. I met people from virtually every European country (although none English), and have explored areas of Cochin that not everyone would want to.  I have been to the theatre, seen a Hindu elephant festival, witnessed a colourful church service and drank in all that this multi-cultured area has to offer. It is all to easy to get sentimental on holiday, but I will really miss Kerala, and hope, like many of my friends,  to return one day soon.

I hope you have enjoyed some of this blog, as much as I have enjoyed writing it.

One final note . . I am sitting on the terrace outside my room writing this, and I can hear the faint sound of Christmas carols from the nearby Catholic Church. . . .very surreal, but that's India for you.

Goodnight and goodbye from Cochin.

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